Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Writing while waiting ...

I'm waiting for a return phone call in answer to a question I had, so while I am waiting I will add to my blog.

Since writing my last blog post, I have continued with the Bible reading plan I chose to do this year.  Now that I am six days into it, it has been confirmed in its use that I made the right choice for my temperament.  I am really liking concentrating on one book of Scripture at a time.  The Bible I am using was new for my birthday back in November, so I approach my reading time with colored pencils in hand and mark the text with a color code system I devised years ago when I took a class in Bible study methods.

As I am reading along, and the Lord calls my attention to a verse or section of verses I either underline the verse or bracket the section with the pertinent color in my system.  (I find Crayola colored pencils work best.)

     orange -  God
     blue -     Jesus
     purple -  Holy Spirit
     red -      salvation
     green -   commands to obey, ways to grow in the Christian life
     yellow -  promises to claim, treasures in Christ
     brown -  sin/Satan

Doing this helps me to concentrate and to see connections between one portion of the text and another.
I also use a regular lead pencil if I want to mark a time line or circle key words/names or draw an arrow from one related section to another.  This also makes it easy to go back and find something that relates to something else I am reading at a later date or if I am in need of reviewing a certain passage that would apply to a particular problem, or need, I might have subsequent to my reading on any given day.

This system works well for me.  Give it a try some time - you may find it beneficial in your reading.

At this date I am still reading in Genesis. 

It struck me how Noah's salvation and keeping in the ark is such a picture of our salvation and keeping in Christ.  Noah was given the rainbow as the sign of his covenant with God.  (Genesis 9:11-17)  We are given the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 1:13-14) ... "In Him [Christ] you also when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him, were sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of His glory." (ESV)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Two days of snow to begin the new year ...

I just came in from clearing my driveway.
I know I will have sore muscles tomorrow, but I feel invigorated.

This makes me think of the new Bible reading plan I am doing this year.  Bible Reading Plan (I chose the Book at a Time option.)
Digging into God's Word exercises my spiritual "muscles" ... what He shows me will invigorate my walk with Him. I look forward to all that He wants to show me in this year ... it may hurt as He chips away at rough edges, but it's exciting to think of growing into His image.

We have had a snow "marathon" since Friday evening, so, being more or less housebound, there has been a good amount of free time to read and ponder over His Word. That will become more of a discipline when I get back to the classroom tomorrow.

I have been reading in Genesis, and what struck me the most was when the serpent said to Eve ... "Did God actually say ...?" (chapter 3) ... Yes, God did actually say!

As I read day-by-day, He is going to say many things to me. My prayer is "Lord, help me not to fall into the same trap that Eve did. Help me to count on what You have said."

Friday, January 1, 2010

What are you aiming for in 2010?

Have you heard the saying, "Aim for nothing, and that's what you get."?
I don't know about you, but it sure helps me to see an outline of what I want/need to do.

I came across these Bible Reading Plans, and thought I would share them ... there are 3 different options to choose from - I am doing the "Book at a Time" option because I like to concentrate on a particular section of Scripture at a time, but there are two other options that may fit your personality/approach better.

Check out the three options here ... print out the one you like.
~ Bible Reading Plans ~

I am going to use the ESV Bible (English Standard Version) for my readings this year. I appreciate the clarity of this recent translation.

"Your words were found, and I ate them,
and your words became to me a joy
and the delight of my heart,
for I am called by your name,
O LORD, God of hosts."
~ Jeremiah 15:16 ~ (ESV)

So, ultimately, I guess I am aiming for the joy and delight found in God and in His Word. That will make for a wonderful 2010! :)